training convolutional neural network with MATLAB: image recognition AI.

 'youve probably heard this quote ,'dont judge a book by its cover' .

and how does it relate to the topic ,

well , this is a matlab script from a video i found on youtube on convolutional neural network with MATLAB but for the newbies what is convolutional neural network , well in layman/simpler terms it just means training a computer to  identify patterns and things , esentially giving the computer a human brain.

In even simpler terms,getting a computer to 'judge a book by its cover'.

this is the result,

now this code trains the computer to recognize a set  of dataset called the mnist dataset,this is a data set consisting of handwritten numbers .



Softmax function




Function y= Softmax(x)


%UNTITLED6 Summary of this function goes here


%   Detailed explanation goes here




Ex = exp(x);


Y =ex/sum(ex);






This is a function that takes an input vector `x` and applies the Softmax function to it. The Softmax function is commonly used in the output layer of a neural network for multi-class classification problems. It converts the input vector into a probability distribution over the classes.


1.     `function y= Softmax(x)` This line defines the function signature, specifying that it takes one input argument `x` and returns one output argument `y`.


2.     `ex = exp(x);` This line calculates the element-wise exponential of the input vector `x` and stores the result in a new variable called `ex`.



3.     `y =ex/sum(ex);` This line calculates the element-wise division of `ex` by the sum of its elements, and stores the result in the output variable `y`.


4.     `end` This line marks the end of the function definition.







Function y = ReLU(x)


%UNTITLED5 Summary of this function goes here


%   Detailed explanation goes here


Y = max(0,x);








This is a function that takes an input `x` and applies the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) function to it. The ReLU function is a commonly used activation function in neural networks, defined as `f(x) = max(0, x)`.


1.     `function y = ReLU(x)` This line defines the function signature, specifying that it takes one input argument `x` and returns one output argument `y`.


2.     `y = max(0,x);` This line calculates the element-wise maximum of 0 and the input `x`, and stores the result in the output variable `y`.



3.     `end` This line marks the end of the function definition.








Function y = Pool( x )


%UNTITLED8 Summary of this function goes here


%   Detailed explanation goes here


[xrow,xcol,numFilters] = size(x);


Y = zeros(xrow/2, xcol/2,numFilters);


For k = 1:numFilters


    Filter = ones(2)/(2*2);


    Image = conv2(x(:, :,k),filter,’valid’);


    Y(:, :, k) = image(1:2:end,1:2:end);










This is a function that takes an input `x` and applies a 2x2 average pooling operation to it. Pooling is a common operation in convolutional neural networks that reduces the spatial dimensions of the input by taking the average or maximum value over a small region.


1.     `function y = Pool( x )` This line defines the function signature, specifying that it takes one input argument `x` and returns one output argument `y`.


2.     `[xrow,xcol,numFilters] = size(x);` This line gets the size of the input `x`, which is assumed to be a 3D array with dimensions [height, width, numFilters], and stores the values in variables `xrow`, `xcol`, and `numFilters`.



3.     `y = zeros(xrow/2, xcol/2,numFilters);` This line initializes the output variable `y` as a 3D array of zeros with dimensions [height/2, width/2, numFilters].


4.     The next block of code is a for loop that runs for each filter:



-       `for k = 1:numFilters`


-       `filter = ones(2)/(2*2);` This line creates a 2x2 filter of ones and divides it by 4 to get an average filter.



-       `image = conv2(x(:, :,k),filter,’valid’);` This line applies 2D convolution between the k-th slice of the input `x` and the filter, using the ‘valid’ option to discard border pixels.


-       `y(:, :, k) = image(1:2:end,1:2:end);` This line downsamples the resulting image by taking every other pixel along both dimensions, and stores it in the k-th slice of the output variable `y`.



-       `end`


5.     `end` This line marks the end of the function definition.




The resulting value `y` is the result of applying 2x2 average pooling to each slice of the input `x`.


Plot features.m




K = 1;


 X = X(:, :,k);


        Y1 = Conv(x,W1);


        Y2 = ReLU(y1);


        Y3 = Pool(y2);


        Y4 = reshape(y3,[],1);


        V5 = W5*y4;


        Y5 = ReLU(v5);


        V = Wo *y5;


        Y = Softmax(v);








        Title(‘input image’)


        convFilters = zeros(9*9,20);


        for i = 1:20


            filter = W1(:,:,i);


            convFilters(:,i) = filter(J;








        title(‘Convolution filters’)


        flist = zeros(20*20,20);


        for i = 1:20


            feature = y1(:, :, i);


            flist(:,i) = feature(J;










        title(‘Features [Convolution]’)


        flist = zeros(20*20,20);


        for i = 1:20


            feature = y2(:, :, i);


            flist(:,i) = feature(J;










        title(‘Features [Convolution+ReLU]’)


        flist = zeros(20*20,20);


        for i = 1:20


            feature = y3(:, :, i);


            flist(:,i) = feature(J;










        title(‘Features [Convolution+ReLU+Meanpool]’)


        flist = zeros(20*20,20);


        for i = 1:20


            feature = y3(:, :, i);


            flist(:,i) = feature(J;








This script loads the trained weights of a convolutional neural network from a file called ‘MnistConv.mat’ and visualizes the input image, the convolutional filters, and the features at different layers of the network for a single image.


1.     `load(‘MnistConv.mat’)` This line loads the trained weights `W1`, `W5`, and `Wo` from a file called ‘MnistConv.mat’.


2.     `k = 1;` This line sets the index of the image to visualize to 1.



3.     The next block of code performs forward propagation through each layer of the network for the selected image:


-       `x = X(:, :,k);`


-       `y1 = Conv(x,W1);`



-       `y2 = ReLU(y1);`


-       `y3 = Pool(y2);`



-       `y4 = reshape(y3,[],1);`


-       `v5 = W5*y4;`



-       `y5 = ReLU(v5);`


-       `v = Wo *y5;`



-       `y = Softmax(v);`


4.     The next block of code visualizes the input image:


-       `figure;` This line creates a new figure window.


-       `display_network(x(J);` This line calls the function `display_network` to display the input image as a grayscale image.



-       `title(‘input image’)` This line adds a title to the figure.


5.     The next block of code visualizes the convolutional filters:


-       `convFilters = zeros(9*9,20);` This line initializes a variable called ‘convFilters’ as a 2D array of zeros with dimensions [81, 20].


-       The next block of code is a for loop that runs for each filter:



-       `for i = 1:20`


-       `filter = W1(:,:,i);` This line selects the i-th filter from variable ‘W1’ and stores it in a new variable called ‘filter’.



-       `convFilters(:,i) = filter(J;` This line reshapes the filter into a column vector and stores it in the i-th column of variable ‘convFilters’.


-       `end`



-       `figure` This line creates a new figure window.


-       `display_network(convFilters);` This line calls the function ‘display_network’ to display the convolutional filters as grayscale images.



-       `title(‘Convolution filters’)` This line adds a title to the figure.


6.     The next block of code visualizes the features after the first convolutional layer:


-       `flist = zeros(20*20,20);` This line initializes a variable called ‘flist’ as a 2D array of zeros with dimensions [400, 20].


-       The next block of code is a for loop that runs for each feature map:



-       `for i = 1:20`


-       `feature = y1(:, :, i);` This line selects the i-th feature map from variable ‘y1’ and stores it in a new variable called ‘feature’.



-       `flist(:,i) = feature(J;` This line reshapes the feature map into a column vector and stores it in the i-th column of variable ‘flist’.


-       `end`



7.     The next block of code visualizes the features after the ReLU activation function:


-       `figure` This line creates a new figure window.


-       `display_network(flist);` This line calls the function ‘display_network’ to display the feature maps as grayscale images.



-       `title(‘Features [Convolution+ReLU]’)` This line adds a title to the figure.


8.     The next block of code visualizes the features after the pooling layer:


-       `flist = zeros(20*20,20);` This line initializes a variable called ‘flist’ as a 2D array of zeros with dimensions [400, 20].


-       The next block of code is a for loop that runs for each feature map:



-       `for i = 1:20`


-       `feature = y3(:, :, i);` This line selects the i-th feature map from variable ‘y3’ and stores it in a new variable called ‘feature’.



-       `flist(:,i) = feature(J;` This line reshapes the feature map into a column vector and stores it in the i-th column of variable ‘flist’.


-       `end`



-       `figure` This line creates a new figure window.


-       `display_network(flist);` This line calls the function ‘display_network’ to display the feature maps as grayscale images.



-       `title(‘Features [Convolution+ReLU+Meanpool]’)` This line adds a title to the figure.




Function [ W1,W5,Wo ] = MnistConv( W1,W5,Wo ,X,D )


%UNTITLED9 Summary of this function goes here


%   Detailed explanation goes here


Alpha = 0.01;


Beta = 0.95;


Momentum1 = zeros(size(W1));


Momentum5 = zeros(size(W5));


Momentumo = zeros(size(Wo));


N = length(D);


Bsize = 100;


Blist = 1:bsizeLN-bsize+1);




For batch = 1: length(blist)


    dW1 = zeros(size(W1));


    dW5 = zeros(size(W5));


    dWo = zeros(size(Wo));




    begin = blist(batch);


    for k = begin:begin+bsize-1




        x = X(:, :,k);


        y1 = Conv(x,W1);


        y2 = ReLU(y1);


        y3 = Pool(y2);


        y4 = reshape(y3,[],1);


        v5 = W5*y4;


        y5 = ReLU(v5);


        v = Wo *y5;


        y = Softmax(v);




        d = zeros(10,1);


        d(sub2ind(size(d),D(k),1)) = 1;


        e = d-y;


        delta = e;


        e5 = Wo’ * delta;


        delta5 = (y5>0) .* e5;


        e4 = W5’ * delta5;


        e3 = reshape(e4,size(y3));


        e2 = zeros(size(y2));


        W3 = ones(size(y2)) / (2*2);




        For c = 1:20


            E2 (:, :, c) = kron(e3(:, :, c),ones([2,2])).*W3(:, :,c);




        Delta2 = (y2>0).*e2;


        Delta1_x = zeros(size(W1));


        For c = 1:20


            Delta1_x(:, :, c) = conv2(x(:, J,rot90(delta2(:, :, c),2),’valid’);






        dW1 = dW1 + delta1_x;


        dW5 = dW5 +delta5*y4’;


        dWo = dWo +delta *y5’;






    dW1 = dW1/bsize;


    dW5 = dW5 /bsize;


    dWo = dWo /bsize;


    momentum1 = alpha *dW1 +beta*momentum1;


   W1 = W1 + momentum1;


    Momentum5 = alpha *dW5 + beta* momentum5;


    W5  = W5 +momentum5;


    Momentumo = alpha *dWo +beta*momentumo;


     Wo = Wo+ momentumo;










`MnistConv.m` is a function that performs one epoch of training on a convolutional neural network with one convolutional layer, one fully connected layer, and an output layer. The function takes as input the current values of the weights `W1`, `W5`, and `Wo`, the training data `X`, and the training labels `D`. It returns the updated values of the weights after one epoch of training.


1.     `function [ W1,W5,Wo ] = MnistConv( W1,W5,Wo ,X,D )` This line defines the function signature, specifying that it takes five input arguments and returns three output arguments.


2.     `alpha = 0.01;` This line sets the learning rate to 0.01.



3.     `beta = 0.95;` This line sets the momentum parameter to 0.95.


4.     The next three lines initialize the momentum variables for each layer to zero:



-       `momentum1 = zeros(size(W1));`


-       `momentum5 = zeros(size(W5));`



-       `momentumo = zeros(size(Wo));`


5.     `N = length(D);` This line calculates the number of training examples by taking the length of variable ‘D’.


6.     `bsize = 100;` This line sets the batch size to 100.



7.     `blist = 1:bsizeLN-bsize+1);` This line creates a list of batch start indices by taking steps of size ‘bsize’ from 1 to ‘N-bsize+1’.


8.     The next block of code is a for loop that runs for each batch:



-       `for batch = 1: length(blist)`


-       The next three lines initialize the gradients for each layer to zero:



-       `dW1 = zeros(size(W1));`


-       `dW5 = zeros(size(W5));`



-       `dWo = zeros(size(Wo));`


-       `begin = blist(batch);` This line gets the start index of the current batch from variable ‘blist’.



-       The next block of code is a for loop that runs for each example in the current batch:


-       `for k = begin:begin+bsize-1`



-       The next block of code performs forward propagation through each layer of the network for the current example:


-       `x = X(:, :,k);`



-       `y1 = Conv(x,W1);`


-       `y2 = ReLU(y1);`



-       `y3 = Pool(y2);`


-       `y4 = reshape(y3,[],1);`



-       `v5 = W5*y4;`


-       `y5 = ReLU(v5);`



-       `v = Wo *y5;`


-       `y = Softmax(v);`



-       The next block of code computes the error and backpropagates it through each layer of the network:


-       `d = zeros(10,1);` This line initializes a target vector ‘d’ of zeros with length 10.



-       `d(sub2ind(size(d),D(k),1)) = 1;` This line sets the element of ‘d’ corresponding to the true class label to 1.


-       `e = d-y;` This line computes the error between the target vector ‘d’ and the predicted probabilities ‘y’.



-       The next block of code backpropagates the error through each layer of the network:


-       `delta = e;` This line sets the delta for the output layer to the error ‘e’.



9.     The next block of code computes the average gradients for the current batch:


-       `dW1 = dW1/bsize;` This line divides the accumulated gradient for weights `W1` by the batch size to get the average gradient.


-       `dW5 = dW5 /bsize;` This line divides the accumulated gradient for weights `W5` by the batch size to get the average gradient.



-       `dWo = dWo /bsize;` This line divides the accumulated gradient for weights `Wo` by the batch size to get the average gradient.


10.  The next block of code updates the weights using momentum:


-       `momentum1 = alpha *dW1 +beta*momentum1;` This line updates the momentum variable for weights `W1` by taking a weighted average of the current gradient and the previous momentum value.


-       `W1 = W1 + momentum1;` This line updates weights `W1` by adding the momentum variable to it.



-       `momentum5 = alpha *dW5 + beta* momentum5;` This line updates the momentum variable for weights `W5` by taking a weighted average of the current gradient and the previous momentum value.


-       `W5  = W5 +momentum5;` This line updates weights `W5` by adding the momentum variable to it.



-       `momentumo = alpha *dWo +beta*momentumo;` This line updates the momentum variable for weights `Wo` by taking a weighted average of the current gradient and the previous momentum value.


-       `Wo = Wo+ momentumo;` This line updates weights `Wo` by adding the momentum variable to it.



11.  `end` This line marks the end of the batch loop.


12.  `end` This line marks the end of the function definition.







Function mg( x)


%UNTITLED10 Summary of this function goes here


%   Detailed explanation goes here


Rng(x, ‘twister’);






`mg.m` is a function that takes an input `x` and sets the seed for the random number generator to `x`, using the ‘twister’ algorithm.


1.     `function mg( x)` This line defines the function signature, specifying that it takes one input argument `x`.


2.     `rng(x, ‘twister’);` This line sets the seed for the random number generator to `x`, using the ‘twister’ algorithm.



3.     `end` This line marks the end of the function definition.




This function can be used to set the seed for the random number generator to a specific value, which can be useful for reproducibility.






Function images = loadmnstimages(filename )


%UNTITLED3 Summary of this function goes here


%   Detailed explanation goes here




Fp = fopen(filename,’rb’);


Assert(fp~=-1,[‘could not open’,filename,’’]);


Magic = fread(fp,1,’int32’,0,’ieee-be’);


Assert(magic == 2051, [‘Bad magic number in’,filename,’’]);


numImages = fread(fp,1,’int32’,0,’ieee-be’);


numRows = fread(fp,1,’int32’,0,’ieee-be’);


numCols = fread(fp,1,’int32’,0,’ieee-be’);


images  = fread(fp,inf,’unsigned char=>unsigned char’);


images = reshape(images,numCols,numRows,numImages);


images = permute(images,[2 1 3]);






images = reshape(images,size(images,1)*size(images,2),size(images,3));


images = double(images)/255;






`loadmnistimages.m` is a function that takes a filename as input and loads the MNIST images from the specified file. The function returns the images as a 2D array, where each column represents an image.




Here’s a line-by-line explanation of the code:




1.     `function images = loadmnstimages(filename )` This line defines the function signature, specifying that it takes one input argument `filename` and returns one output argument `images`.


2.     `fp = fopen(filename,’rb’);` This line opens the specified file in binary read mode and returns a file pointer.



3.     `assert(fp~=-1,[‘could not open’,filename,’’]);` This line checks if the file was successfully opened and throws an error if it was not.


4.     `magic = fread(fp,1,’int32’,0,’ieee-be’);` This line reads the magic number from the file, which is used to identify the file format.



5.     `assert(magic == 2051, [‘Bad magic number in’,filename,’’]);` This line checks if the magic number is correct and throws an error if it is not.


6.     The next three lines read the number of images, rows, and columns from the file:



-       `numImages = fread(fp,1,’int32’,0,’ieee-be’);`


-       `numRows = fread(fp,1,’int32’,0,’ieee-be’);`



-       `numCols = fread(fp,1,’int32’,0,’ieee-be’);`


7.     `images  = fread(fp,inf,’unsigned char=>unsigned char’);` This line reads the image data from the file as unsigned characters.


8.     `images = reshape(images,numCols,numRows,numImages);` This line reshapes the image data into a 3D array with dimensions [numCols, numRows, numImages].



9.     `images = permute(images,[2 1 3]);` This line permutes the dimensions of the image data to put the rows first and columns second.


10.  `fclose(fp);` This line closes the file.



11.  The next two lines reshape the image data into a 2D array where each column represents an image and normalize the pixel values to be between 0 and 1:


-       `images = reshape(images,size(images,1)*size(images,2),size(images,3));`


-       `images = double(images)/255;`



12.  `end` This line marks the end of the function definition.




This function can be used to load the MNIST images from a file into a 2D array for further processing.






function labels = loadMNISTLabels( filename )


%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes here


%   Detailed explanation goes here




Fp = fopen(filename,’rb’);


Assert(fp~=-1,[‘could not open’,filename,’’]);


Magic = fread(fp,1,’int32’,0,’ieee-be’);


Assert(magic == 2049, [‘Bad magic number in’,filename,’’]);


numLabels = fread(fp,1,’int32’,0,’ieee-be’);


labels  = fread(fp,inf,’unsigned char’);


assert(size(labels,1)== numLabels,’Mismatch in label count’);








`loadMNISTLabels.m` is a function that takes a filename as input and loads the MNIST labels from the specified file. The function returns the labels as a column vector.




Here’s a line-by-line explanation of the code:




1.     `function labels = loadMNISTLabels( filename )` This line defines the function signature, specifying that it takes one input argument `filename` and returns one output argument `labels`.


2.     `fp = fopen(filename,’rb’);` This line opens the specified file in binary read mode and returns a file pointer.



3.     `assert(fp~=-1,[‘could not open’,filename,’’]);` This line checks if the file was successfully opened and throws an error if it was not.


4.     `magic = fread(fp,1,’int32’,0,’ieee-be’);` This line reads the magic number from the file, which is used to identify the file format.



5.     `assert(magic == 2049, [‘Bad magic number in’,filename,’’]);` This line checks if the magic number is correct and throws an error if it is not.


6.     `numLabels = fread(fp,1,’int32’,0,’ieee-be’);` This line reads the number of labels from the file.



7.     `labels  = fread(fp,inf,’unsigned char’);` This line reads the label data from the file as unsigned characters.


8.     `assert(size(labels,1)== numLabels,’Mismatch in label count’);` This line checks if the number of labels read from the file matches the expected number and throws an error if it does not.



9.     `fclose(fp);` This line closes the file.


10.  `end` This line marks the end of the function definition.





This function can be used to load the MNIST labels from a file into a column vector for further processing.






Function [ h,array ] = display_network(A,opt_normalize,opt_graycolor,cols,opt_colmajor)




%UNTITLED12 Summary of this function goes here


%   Detailed explanation goes here




Warning off all


If ~exist(‘opt_normalize’,’var’)|| isempty(opt_normalize)


    Opt_normalize = true;






If ~exist(‘opt_graycolor’,’var’)|| isempty(opt_graycolor)


    Opt_graycolor = true;




If ~exist(‘opt_colmajor’,’var’)|| isempty(opt_colmajor)


    Opt_colmajor = false;




A = A – mean(A(J);


If opt_graycolor,colormap(gray);end


[L M] = size(A);


Sz = sqrt(L);


Buf = 1;


If ~exist(‘cols’,’var’)


    If floor(sqrt(M)^2) ~= M


        N = cell(sqrt(M));


        While mod(M, n)~=0&&n<1.2*sqrt(M),n = n+1;end


        M = ceil(M/n);




        N =sqrt(M);


        M = n;






    N = cols;


    M = ceil(M/n);




Array = -ones(buf+m*(sz+buf),(buf+n*(sz+buf)));


If ~opt_graycolor


    Array = 0.1.*array;




If ~opt_colmajor




    For i = 1:m


        For j = 1:n


            If k>M,






            Clim  = max(abs(A(:,k)));


            If ~opt_normalize


                Array(buf +(i-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz),buf+(j-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz))=reshape(A(:,k),sz,sz)/clim;




                Array(buf +(i-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz),buf+(j-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz))=reshape(A(:,k),sz,sz)/max(abs(A(J));




            K = k+1;








    K = 1;


    For i = 1:n


        For j = 1:m


            If k>M,








           Clim = max(abs(A(:,k)));


           If opt_normalize


               Array(buf +(i-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz),buf+(j-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz))=reshape(A(:,k),sz,sz)/clim;




               Array(buf +(i-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz),buf+(j-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz))=reshape(A(:,k),sz,sz)/max(abs(A(J));




           K = k+q;








If opt_graycolor


    H = imagesc(array,’EraseMode’,’none’,[-1 1]);




    H = imagesc(array,’Erasemode’,’none’,[-1 1]);




Axis image off




Warning on all








`display_network.m` is a function that takes a 2D array `A` as input, where each column represents an image or filter, and displays the images or filters as a grid of subplots. The function has several optional arguments that control the normalization, color, layout, and ordering of the images or filters.




Here’s a line-by-line explanation of the code:




1.     `function [ h,array ] = display_network(A,opt_normalize,opt_graycolor,cols,opt_colmajor)` This line defines the function signature, specifying that it takes five input arguments and returns two output arguments.


2.     `warning off all` This line turns off all warning messages.



3.     The next block of code sets default values for the optional arguments if they are not provided:


-       `if ~exist(‘opt_normalize’,’var’)|| isempty(opt_normalize)`


-       `opt_normalize = true;`



-       `end`


-       `if ~exist(‘opt_graycolor’,’var’)|| isempty(opt_graycolor)`



-       `opt_graycolor = true;`


-       `end`



-       `if ~exist(‘opt_colmajor’,’var’)|| isempty(opt_colmajor)`


-       `opt_colmajor = false;`



-       `end`


4.     `A = A – mean(A(J);` This line subtracts the mean of all elements in `A` from each element in `A`.


5.     `if opt_graycolor,colormap(gray);end` This line sets the colormap to grayscale if the ‘opt_graycolor’ argument is true.



6.     `[L M] = size(A);` This line gets the size of the input array `A`, where `L` is the number of rows and `M` is the number of columns.


7.     `sz = sqrt(L);` This line calculates the square root of the number of rows in `A`, which is assumed to be the height and width of each image or filter.



8.     `buf = 1;` This line sets the buffer size between images or filters to 1 pixel.


9.     The next block of code calculates the number of rows and columns in the grid of subplots:



-       `if ~exist(‘cols’,’var’)`


-       The next block of code calculates the number of rows and columns if the ‘cols’ argument is not provided:



-       `if floor(sqrt(M)^2) ~= M`


-       `n = cell(sqrt(M));`



-       The next block of code finds the smallest integer ‘n’ that divides ‘M’:


-       `while mod(M, n)~=0&&n<1.2*sqrt(M),n = n+1;end`



-       `m = ceil(M/n);` This line calculates the number of rows ‘m’ by dividing ‘M’ by ‘n’.


-       `else`



-       The next block of code sets ‘n’ and ‘m’ to be equal to the square root of ‘M’ if ‘M’ is a perfect square:


-       `n =sqrt(M);`



-       `m = n;`


-       `end`



-       The next block of code sets ‘n’ to be equal to the value of the ‘cols’ argument if it is provided:


-       `else`



-       `n = cols;`


-       `m = ceil(M/n);` This line calculates the number of rows ‘m’ by dividing ‘M’ by ‘n’.



-       `end`


10.  The next block of code initializes a 2D array called ‘array’ with dimensions [buf+m*(sz+buf), buf+n*(sz+buf)] and fills it with values of -1:


    -11. `array = -ones(buf+m*(sz+buf),(buf+n*(sz+buf)));` This line initializes a 2D array called ‘array’ with dimensions [buf+m*(sz+buf), buf+n*(sz+buf)] and fills it with values of -1.


11.  `if ~opt_graycolor` This line checks if the ‘opt_graycolor’ argument is false.


12.  `array = 0.1.*array;` If the ‘opt_graycolor’ argument is false, this line scales the values in ‘array’ by a factor of 0.1.



13.  The next block of code fills the ‘array’ with the images or filters from ‘A’:


-       `if ~opt_colmajor`


-       `k=1;` This line initializes a counter variable ‘k’ to 1.



-       The next block of code is a nested for loop that runs for each row and column in the grid of subplots:


-       `for i = 1:m`



-       `for j = 1:n`


-       The next block of code checks if all images or filters have been displayed:



-       `if k>M,`


-       `continue;`



-       `end`


-       The next block of code normalizes the current image or filter and copies it into the ‘array’:



-       `clim  = max(abs(A(:,k)));` This line calculates the maximum absolute value of the current image or filter.


-       The next block of code checks if normalization is enabled:



-       `if ~opt_normalize`


-       `array(buf +(i-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz),buf+(j-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz))=reshape(A(:,k),sz,sz)/clim;` If normalization is disabled, this line normalizes the current image or filter by dividing it by its maximum absolute value and copies it into the ‘array’.



-       `else`


-       `array(buf +(i-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz),buf+(j-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz))=reshape(A(:,k),sz,sz)/max(abs(A(J));` If normalization is enabled, this line normalizes the current image or filter by dividing it by the maximum absolute value of all elements in ‘A’ and copies it into the ‘array’.



-       `end`


-       `k = k+1;` This line increments the counter variable ‘k’.



-       `end`


-       The next block of code fills the ‘array’ with the images or filters from ‘A’ in column-major order:



-       `else`


-       `k = 1;` This line initializes a counter variable ‘k’ to 1.



-       The next block of code is a nested for loop that runs for each column and row in the grid of subplots:


-       `for i = 1:n`



-       `for j = 1:m`


-       The next block of code checks if all images or filters have been displayed:



-       `if k>M,`


-       `continue;`



-       `end`


-       The next block of code normalizes the current image or filter and copies it into the ‘array’:



-       `clim = max(abs(A(:,k)));` This line calculates the maximum absolute value of the current image or filter.


-       The next block of code checks if normalization is enabled:



-       `if opt_normalize`


-       `array(buf +(i-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz),buf+(j-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz))=reshape(A(:,k),sz,sz)/clim;` If normalization is enabled, this line normalizes the current image or filter by dividing it by its maximum absolute value and copies it into the ‘array’.



-       `else`


-       `array(buf +(i-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz),buf+(j-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz))=reshape(A(:,k),sz,sz)/max(abs(A(J));` If normalization is disabled, this line normalizes the current image or filter by dividing it by the maximum absolute value of all elements in ‘A’ and copies it into the ‘array’.



-       `end`


-       `k = k+q;` This line increments the counter variable ‘k’ by ‘q’.



-       `end`


-       `end`



2.     The next block of code displays the ‘array’ as an image:


-       `if opt_graycolor`


-       `h = imagesc(array,’EraseMode’,’none’,[-1 1]);` If the ‘opt_graycolor’ argument is true, this line displays the ‘array’ as a grayscale image with values in the range [-1, 1].



-       `else`


-       `h = imagesc(array,’Erasemode’,’none’,[-1 1]);` If the ‘opt_graycolor’ argument is false, this line displays the ‘array’ as a color image with values in the range [-1, 1].



-       `end`


3.     The next two lines set the axis properties and update the figure:


-       `axis image off`


-       `drawnow;`



4.     `warning on all` This line turns all warning messages back on.




Function y = Conv( x,W)


%UNTITLED7 Summary of this function goes here


%   Detailed explanation goes here


[wrow,wcol,numFilters] = size(W);


[xrow,xcol,~          ] = size(x);


Yrow = xrow – wrow +1;


Ycol = xcol -wcol +1;


Y = zeros(yrow,ycol,numFilters);




For k = 1: numFilters


    Filter = W(:, :, k);


    Filter = rot90(squeeze(filter),2);


    Y(:, :, k) = conv2(x,filter,’valid’);
















This function takes a 2D array where each column represents an image or filter and displays the images or filters as a grid of subplots. The optional arguments control the normalization, color, layout, and ordering of the images or filters.


`Conv.m` is a function that takes an input `x` and a set of filters `W` and applies 2D convolution between `x` and each filter in `W`. The function returns the result of the convolution as a 3D array, where each slice along the third dimension corresponds to the result of convolving `x` with one filter.




Here’s a line-by-line explanation of the code:




1.     `function y = Conv( x,W)` This line defines the function signature, specifying that it takes two input arguments `x` and `W`, and returns one output argument `y`.


2.     `[wrow,wcol,numFilters] = size(W);` This line gets the size of the filters `W`, which is assumed to be a 3D array with dimensions [filter_height, filter_width, numFilters], and stores the values in variables `wrow`, `wcol`, and `numFilters`.



3.     `[xrow,xcol,~          ] = size(x);` This line gets the size of the input `x`, which is assumed to be a 2D array with dimensions [height, width], and stores the values in variables `xrow` and `xcol`.


4.     `yrow = xrow – wrow +1;` This line calculates the height of the output by subtracting the filter height from the input height and adding 1.



5.     `ycol = xcol -wcol +1;` This line calculates the width of the output by subtracting the filter width from the input width and adding 1.


6.     `y = zeros(yrow,ycol,numFilters);` This line initializes the output variable `y` as a 3D array of zeros with dimensions [output_height, output_width, numFilters].



7.     The next block of code is a for loop that runs for each filter:


-       `for k = 1: numFilters`


-       `filter = W(:, :, k);` This line selects the k-th filter from variable ‘W’ and stores it in a new variable called ‘filter’.



-       `filter = rot90(squeeze(filter),2);` This line rotates the filter by 180 degrees.


-       `y(:, :, k) = conv2(x,filter,’valid’);` This line applies 2D convolution between the input ‘x’ and the rotated filter, using the ‘valid’ option to discard border pixels, and stores the result in the k-th slice of the output variable ‘y’.



-       `end`


8.     `end` This line marks the end of the function definition.




The resulting value `y` is a 3D array where each slice along the third dimension corresponds to the result of convolving `x` with one filter from `W.


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